The Perfect Heart Jewelry For The Perfect Occasion
Nothing says “I love you” more than a beautifully hand-crafted heart shaped pendant or a stunning pair of heart stud earrings. Let Ledodi be your go-to jeweler for all things HEART JEWELRY! We have the perfect heart piece for each and every one of your loved ones! Do you have multiple family birthdays and your anniversary right around the corner? Stressing out about finding everyone the perfect gift? (We won't mention that holiday shopping season is almost upon us.) Look no further! We picked out a few samples to help you along the way. Birthday Gift ...
Kenna Lee

Holiday Gift Collection
Holiday Gift Collection - Something for Everyone “This is a full-blown, four-alarm holiday emergency here. We're gonna press on, and we're gonna have the hap, hap, happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap-danced with Danny f****** Kaye.” I think we can all relate to Clark Griswold's meltdown from the iconic holiday movie “National Lampoons: Christmas Vacation.” If we know anything at all, it's that no one is exempt from holiday stress. Not only do you have to buy presents for everyone in your family but you can’t forget about your friends, your yoga instructor and even your nosy neighbor because everyone...
Kenna Lee
LeDodi's Mission & Why We Care
At LeDodi, we cut out the middleman and manufacturer all of our own jewelry. Because of this, we can offer our jewelry, at the same great quality, for half the price. We want women to know that they don’t need to compare themselves to Instagram models (we know that in today’s social media era, that’s easier said than done) or celebrities like Kylie Jenner. You don’t need thousands of followers on Instagram, you don’t need to be a size 2, and you definitely don’t need to spend an arm and a leg on nice jewelry, to feel important or worthy.
Kenna Lee
4 Simple Ways To Money From Your Jewelry Obsession
You’ve been in love with jewelry your entire life. You have fond memories of rubbishing through your mother’s jewelry box and draping your little self in diamonds and pearls. If this is you, you’re part of a universal trend that has connected women (and men) all around the world since the beginning of time. Jewelry is a trend that shows no limit on age, skin color or financial status. Jewelry is one of the few things in life that come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, colors and most importantly, prices. No matter what kind of jewelry enthusiast you are, you are...
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